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Unshackling Guardians Ad Litem from the Constraints of Florida’s Hearsay Rule

Posted on February 14, 2017 by admin

Commentators, courts and state legislatures have reached an almost universal consensus recognizing the pivotal role played by Guardians Ad Litem (“GALs”) in the administration of justice by protecting vulnerable children. The GAL’s role has been alternatively described by the courts Commentators, courts and state legislatures have reached an almost universal consensus recognizing the pivotal role played by Guardians Ad Litem (“GALs”) in the administration of justice by protecting vulnerable children. The GAL’s role has been alternatively described by the courts as “important,” “vital,” “critical,” “crucial,” “integral” and “essential”. Continue reading… Unshackling Guardians Ad Litem from the Constraints of Florida’s Hearsay Rule, The Florida Bar Family Law Section Commentator, Fall 2016 issue.

The Role of a Guardian Ad Litem

Posted on June 5, 2015 by admin

A Guardian Ad Litem can greatly assist the Court and the Family in high-conflict family cases. It is important for the parties and their respective counsel to understand the role of a Guardian Ad Litem, and it is equally important A Guardian Ad Litem can greatly assist the Court and the Family in high-conflict family cases. It is important for the parties and their respective counsel to understand the role of a Guardian Ad Litem, and it is equally important that children are properly explained the Guardian’s role. Continue reading…The Role of a Guardian Ad Litem PDF article.

Legal Protection for Cohabiting Couples – The Law and Living Together

Posted on August 17, 2010 by admin

It is becoming increasingly more common for couples to combine their residence, finances, property and day-to-day lives without getting married. Continue reading… Legal Protection for Cohabiting Couples – The Law and Living Together.

Through the Eyes of a Child: Impact and Measures to Protect Children in High-conflict Family Law Litigation

Posted on August 17, 2010 by admin

A lawyer confidently strides into the courthouse. To the client, it is like being wheeled into the operating room for the removal of cancer. Fear, gut-wrenching uncertainty and ignorance control the client’s emotions, as he or she realizes that his … Continue reading →

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